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Coffee drinks explained: The nation's favourites

When it comes to coffee recipes, you need to know what’s what. We have rounded up the nation’s favourite coffee recipes for you to master that are must haves on any menu! Check out our list of coffee drinks explained below.

Caffe Latte

Year on year the latte reigns supreme as the UK’s favourite beverage*, it’s a must have on your menu! This drink is a shot of espresso blended with steamed milk and finished with an eye-catching layer of milk froth


Always in the top three, 47%* of consumers choose a Cappuccino when they visit a coffee shop. A combination of espresso, steamed milk and a creamy, milk froth. To add a little extra you can dust with cocoa upon the customer’s request.

Flat White

Flat White has grown in popularity in the UK year on year and this year it is the nations 3rd favourite beverage*. Usually served in a smaller cup than a latte, it is an espresso (or double espresso) with steamed milk and little milk foam on top.


A classic, the Americano is most popular with the older demographic (+55s)*. A double espresso shot added to how water, an Americano is also known as a “long black” for this reason.

Café Mocha

Preferred by the younger generation, the Café Mocha is a classic espresso blended with steamed milk and a shot or two of hot chocolate and/or chocolate syrup – the perfect drink for someone with a sweet tooth!

Now you've had the most important coffeee drinks explained and the key coffee recipes down, what else should you offer to your customer?

Offer your customers the option to customize their beverage...

Offering customisations on your menu is a must! Flavoured coffee is growing in popularity as more people drink coffee for the taste and indulgence over other reasons.

Caramel is the most popular flavour amongst consumers* perfect for an indulgent treat! A Caramel Latte is a great addition to any coffee shop menu.

Vanilla syrup, rich in flavour is the second most popular flavour and a big hit amongst the younger generation (under 35s)*.

Gingerbread syrup is a festive favourite and seasonal recipes with this flavour at Christmas time will be high in demand. However, many a coffee shop will have this flavour available all year round, due to its popularity.

Salted Caramel syrup is growing in popularity and is a particularly popular flavour with the female demographic!*

TOP TIP: to be popular with the younger demographic, add hot chocolate to your main menu! It’s the most popular non-coffee beverage with 32%* of consumers choosing hot chocolate when visiting a coffee shop. Those under 35 purchase hot chocolate more than any other age group!

Impress your customers by allowing them to customize every drink on your menu, even hot chocolate... Hazelnut syrup is the perfect pairing with a hot chocolate.

*Source: Allegra Coffee World Portal 2020.

We’re planning a DE Barista Editions Recipe Development Day! Have your say, let us know what recipes you’d like to see... Iced Lattes, Seasonal Recipes, Cocktails, you name it!